Melodic Minor Scale
The melodic minor scale is a variation of the natural minor scale with raised sixth and seventh degrees when ascending, and it reverts to the natural minor scale when descending. This creates a smooth melodic line when ascending and a more traditional minor sound when descending.
Structure of the Melodic Minor Scale
The melodic minor scale follows different patterns when ascending and descending:
Ascending: W - H - W - W - W - W - H
Descending: W - W - H - W - W - H - W
Example: A Melodic Minor Scale
The A melodic minor scale consists of the following notes:
Ascending: A - B - C - D - E - F# - G# - A
Descending: A - G - F - E - D - C - B - A
Sound and Character
The melodic minor scale has a smooth and sophisticated sound when ascending, and a traditional minor sound when descending. The raised sixth and seventh degrees create a sense of movement and resolution, making the scale ideal for melodic lines in classical and jazz music.
Applications of the Melodic Minor Scale
The melodic minor scale is used in various musical contexts, including:
- Melody: Creating smooth and sophisticated melodies.
- Harmony: Building minor chords with raised sixth and seventh degrees.
- Improvisation: Soloing over minor chord progressions with raised sixth and seventh degrees.
Chords Derived from the Melodic Minor Scale
The melodic minor scale can be used to derive the following chords:
- i: Minor chord (e.g., Am)
- ii: Minor chord (e.g., Bm)
- III+: Augmented chord (e.g., C+)
- IV: Major chord (e.g., D)
- V: Major chord (e.g., E)
- vi°: Diminished chord (e.g., F#°)
- vii°: Diminished chord (e.g., G#°)
Songs That Use the Melodic Minor Scale
Here are some songs that use the melodic minor scale:
- "Autumn Leaves" (Jazz standard)
- "Summertime" by George Gershwin
- "My Favorite Things" by Richard Rodgers
- "So What" by Miles Davis
- "Maiden Voyage" by Herbie Hancock
- "Blue in Green" by Bill Evans
Practice Exercises
Here are some practice exercises to help you get familiar with the melodic minor scale:
- Play the A melodic minor scale on your instrument, ascending and descending.
- Write out the notes of the melodic minor scale in different keys and play them on your instrument.
- Practice improvising using the melodic minor scale over a minor chord progression with raised sixth and seventh degrees.
- Compose a short melody using the melodic minor scale and play it on your instrument.
- Analyze a piece of music that uses the melodic minor scale and identify the scale's role in the composition.
- Practice playing the chords derived from the melodic minor scale in different keys.
- Improvise a solo using the melodic minor scale over a backing track in a minor key.
- Transcribe a solo or melody that uses the melodic minor scale and play it on your instrument.
- Create a chord progression using chords derived from the melodic minor scale and play it on your instrument.
- Experiment with modulating between the melodic minor scale and other scales in your improvisation.
Check out some other Bands on Crazy Fingers (Vancouver 1991), Flying Butt Pliers, and Hammy Ham Hands.
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